

Life is uncertain, and it's easy to get caught up in a false sense of stability. Just think about the chaos that the COVID pandemic brought, shaking up everything we knew.

As we grow older and start working, time seems to fly. We lose the familiar markers like semesters and vacations, and days start blending together.

Before we know it, our friends are getting married and having kids, and suddenly, we realize we're adults. Time with our parents becomes limited, and if we have kids, they grow up faster than we expect.

Looking back, I realize I used to give too much importance to things that now feel like distant, unpleasant memories. I won't claim it was a waste of time, as I've gained valuable lessons from it. However, I now realize that time is precious and too short to remain trapped in a life that brings us misery.

We should make time for the people we love, not making excuses to avoid spending time with them. We should also pursue the things we desire without hesitation, because life might not give us a second chance. If we don't try, we might regret it forever.

There's a beautiful Japanese concept called Ichi-go ichi-e, meaning one time, one meeting. It reminds us that life is full of unique and unrepeatable moments. Like the last time I saw and spoke to my dad, not knowing it would be our final conversation. Had I lived my life, treasuring each moment for its uniqueness, I would have experienced that particular moment in a different and more profound way.

I apply this concept in Jiu-Jitsu too. Sometimes fear holds me back, but I realize there may not be another chance. So I commit wholeheartedly, understanding that half-hearted attempts can be easily countered.

Let's live life to the fullest, cherishing every moment and every opportunity. The best gift we can give our loved ones is our presence. It doesn't take much—checking on them, listening, making them laugh. Find joy in the little things, like going to the park, listening to music, coding, or making art. These simple moments will become cherished memories when we look back on our lives.