

In life, we find ourselves constantly being told what to do, and this can make us feel lost when we finally have the freedom to make our own choices. We face various dilemmas such as whether to start a business or follow our passion. Sometimes, we might not even know what our true passion is. We worry about sustaining ourselves financially, we desire to do something meaningful, become our own boss. But we struggle with generating ideas.

One significant issue is the overwhelming number of choices available to us, and we tend to impose unnecessary limitations on ourselves. For instance, we might believe that we need a project that brings in money, but once we no longer need the money, we are still stuck without any direction.

We have conditioned ourselves to reject our own ideas. We pay too much attention to the negative voices that discourage us from pursuing anything. Consequently, our ability to be creative diminishes over time.

During college, I worked on plenty of creative and fun projects, but later, I started focusing solely on work that would boost my career or bring financial gains. This change in approach eventually caused me to halt all work, as I always found reasons not to proceed: someone had already done it, I lacked knowledge, or the project wouldn't be profitable.

Today, after a long time, I engaged in coding simply because I wanted to. It wasn't driven by the need for usefulness. Instead, I did it purely for the joy of it and to gain knowledge. I've come to realize that doing things just for fun holds a deeper sense of meaning for me than pursuing them with the sole intent of changing the world.